

2021年1月30日 The Times Money キャサリン・デンハムの記事抜粋・要約。









AJ Bellによると、66歳で定年、その後年間30,000ポンドが必要な人は、老後25年間で431,000ポンドの資金(年率4%の投資成長を前提)が必要になる。9,110ポンドの公的年金に加え、個人年金から年間20,889ポンドを上乗せしなくてはならない。


 リタイア後の目標所得 必要となる老後資金
£30,000    £431,000
£35,000    £535,000
£40,000   £637,000  
£45,000   £740,000  
£50,000   £844,000  
£55,000   £946,000  
£60,000 £1,050,000
25年間の老後、年率4%の投資成長、出処:AJ Bell




How to fill the missing pieces in your pension plan, by Katherine Denham, 30 Jan 2021

There are tactics to give you a rough idea of how much you will need to live comfortably.

The replacement rate, the proportion of your pre-retirment income that you would need if you wanted to maintain your existing standard of living.

According to Vanguard, the rate is 50% of income for the highest earners (£100,000 a year), 67% for middle-income (£62,000), and 80% for low income earners (£25,000)

The more you squirrel away, the more frugal your lifestyle. As a result, when you hit retirement age you do not need to replace as much income to keep up the lifestyle you were used to.

Vanguard estimates someone on £100,000 who saved 20% of their income would need a replacement rate of 63%. If someone on that income were saving only 5%, the rate would be 76%.

The state pension:

The full state pension pay £175.20 pa week, £9,110 a year.

Someone earning £25,000 a year and who expects to need almost £20,000 to maintain their lifestyle would have almost half this amount covered by their state pension.

Someone on £75,000 might have a replacement rate of 73%, £54,750, of which the £9,110 state pension would cover less than a sixth.

Someone who needs £30,000 a year and retires at 66 is likely to need a pot of £431,000 for 25 years, assuming investment growth of 4% a year according to AJ Bell. With £9,110 of the full state pension, they would need another £20,889 a year from a personal pension.

How much you should save for a comfortable retirement

Target income in retirement / Pension pot size needed

25 year retirement, 4% investment growth, Source: AJBell

Personal factors:

Most financial advisers recommend that you ente retirement debt-free.

Older savers also need to consider the impact of inflation, which can eat into the intitial income of a retiree over a retirement of 20 years or more. 

The critical message is not to take a set and forget approach but review one’s retirement plan regularly.

