- 両学長リベラルアーツ大学YouTube
- 日刊紙 The Times の Money 欄
- ウェブサイトTimes Money Mentor
- 最近読んだ本
息子が早い段階で正しいお金の知識を身に着け、 FIRE(Financial Independence, Retire Early、経済的自立と早期リタイア) を実現してくれれば本望です。
Money Literacy for my 12 year old son
In order for my 12 year old son to live his life without any money troubles, I am going to write about the things I want him to know and learn about money.
The information mainly comes from the following:
- Ryo Gakucho Liberal Arts Daigaku YouTube
- The Times Money section
- The Times Money Mentor online
- The books I have recently read
I collect the useful information from the above sources and note them as a memorandum.
I live in the UK, so the information related finance, tax, and insurance is based on the UK system, but the vital knowledge and attitude aiming at life without money troubles shouldn’t be so different between Japan and the UK.
I sincerely wish my son to be able to achieve FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) by acquiring the needed knowledge and appropriate attitude toward money at early stage.
I hope this blog will help you in some way.
Many thanks